We had our first calf from our Red Angus girls last night. He was so cute. Rick and I were so excited with his arrival. We couldn’t believe what a big calf he is. It is always awesome to see new life on the Ranch. We also have let our chicks we had got this spring out of the barn. Now they are running all over the yard eating he plague of grasshoppers we have had this year. Our poor Guinea’s have not been able to keep up with the supply. Our puppy Harley is actually leaving them alone. I was dragging the muck cart behind me cleaning stalls this morning and it spooked the chickens who then came flying out of the barn in a rapid burst of craziness. It scared Harley so bad she ran up to the porch. I had to laugh because she didn’t know what was happening so she opted to take off. She probably didn’t want mom blaming her for the chickens going crazy.
We got the last of the waterlines trenched last night. It got dark so we didn’t get the line or hydrant in quite yet. We also worked on the stall area and got the “nailer” boards and bottom boards in the back side. We hopefully will be able to set some stalls this weekend. My son Dallas came out and helped with electrical wiring again which hopefully by this weekend we will have power to the barn. It all seems to be coming together. We will have the blessing of having some help this weekend. With that help I will hopefully get the rest of the saddling area painted with sayings. I am getting more excited as the days pass. We are coming along so nicely. I am so pleased with the progress we have made. I couldn’t have done any of this without my hubby. He is truly a Godsend. I don’t know what my days would be like without him.
Opening Soon
With all the progress we have made we will be opening soon so watch for announcements. Please be in prayers for God to bring the kids who are in need to us. Be in prayers for our volunteers and ourselves as we prepare of this new adventure. Have a blessed day.
Love always