Founders of
Richard and Karen have had a love of Christ and ranching their whole lives. They both grew up on ranches and have six grown children, three of whom are married, and twelve grandchildren with the hopes of many more.
Karen was a trauma nurse for many years. “I would see the tragedy of kids getting wrapped up in the brokenness of this world. By the time I was intervening in the life of that child, it was a life and death struggle to save them, sometimes to suicide attempts, gang violence, car accidents from drinking and driving or texting, fights, and various other tragedies. I felt God calling me to do something different. I had it placed on my heart to start an equine ministry for women and children. I have always loved Christ and He has always been a part of my life. I want to give that love to those kids around me and make a difference in their lives by bringing them into my world of love, hope, peace, horses, & ranching.” — Karen Carr

Rick & Karen Carr
Founders of Broken Wing Ranch Ministries
Rick & Karen Carr
“There is nothing more therapeutic than being around or riding a horse. They can feel your emotions and have such a healing spirit. Therefore, the reason behind starting this kind of ministry. Horses have been long-standing in having that healing touch and have been used in all kinds of ministry. They also mirror our walk with God. Sometimes we think we are in control when we are not, it is a partnership, it is relational. It is humbling galloping across the field, you can feel the sheer power of them moving underneath of you. It is amazing that they allow you to be part of themselves and they listen to your subtle cues. If you let them show you their power and trust them… amazing things can happen as well as with God.”